Why do I get "EPDQ interface has been unable to reach the return url callback"? Print

  • 128

If you get an error stating "EPDQ interface has been unable to reach the return url callback" or you order payment status is not being changed on payment or the shopping cart is still populated after a successful payment then please check the following:

  • Make sure the path to the .htpasswd file give in .htaccess is the full system path not a relative path as some systems won't work with relative paths
  • Make sure that the password placed in the .htpasswd file is encrypted as per our htgen utility
  • Test the authentication by pointing your browser to the URL of the callback file and when it prompts for a username and password enter the clear text username and password and see if it lets you in
  • Make sure the POST password entered in the ePDQ control panel is the clear text (not encrypted password)
  • Make sure the URLs entered in the ePDQ control panel are full URLs to the scripts including the http and the host address, e.g. http://www.yoursite.com/folder/callback.php

If after this you still cannot get the callback mechanism working then please contact support@aqnet.co.uk.

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