FormMail Print

  • 167

All our hosting packages iclude a /cgi-bin/ folder where your can upload and configure Perl scripts such as Matts FormMail.  To download and get instruction on installing it please see  The default configuration detailed there will work on our server but please make sure your configure the @referers array otherise hackers will start sending spam via your site.  Just list any web addresses (i.e. the web address of your own web site) you want to be able to call this form.

N.B. As with all CGI script please remember to make them executable by CHMOD'ing them to 755 (see here)

As an alternative, if you have a hosting package with PHP enabled, consider creating your own PHP form handler or using a tool such PHP FormMail Maker to create one for you.  You will allow you to define you own fields, add a CATHCA, etc.

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