Is the hosting enviroment PCI compliant? Print

  • 138

We cannot guarantee that your web site will conform to PCI compliance testing, due to testing normally spanning the web site application, the hosting environment and any third party sites your site interacts with for ecommerce such as payment gateways.

However, we do operate a secure hosting environment that is specifically for ecommerce applications and as such will use our best endeavours to ensure that our hosting service conforms and will work with you, at no extra cost to our standard hosting charges**, to rectify any issues with our hosting service that are preventing your site from gaining compliance.

In the rare case where your particular compliance testing causes an issue that we feel we cannot reasonably resolve and our hosting therefore ceases to be suitable for you then we offer a full refund on that years hosting and can cancel your contract immediately so you may move to more appropriate hosting for your particular application.

** N.B. This only applies to our "Gold" hosting services and dedicated servers

We have many sites on our servers, including our own site, that have passed PCI compliance testing using Control Scan to test and advise.

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